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SWAG Boys Ministry

     "Swag" is a term that means "cool" or "all that." It's a term not only used in English, but also Haitian Creole! We want these children to know  that they are loved by their Creator, and that they were created on purpose, for a purpose. They can walk with "swag" knowing that Jesus loves them and is for them. For that reason, we created an acronym from the word "SWAG" - Saved With Amazing Grace - and each of our street children programs utilize that acronym.

     There are thousands of children in Haiti who spend their days on the streets, either because they do not have families, or because their families have abandoned them or sent them to the streets to seek a better life. These children are treated like animals by the society around them, but we know that our Good Father loves them, and we love them, too.

     Our vision is to provide holistic ministry to the hundreds of children and youth living on the streets of Port au Prince through nutritional meals, Bible Studies, worship services, spiritual discipleship, life-skills mentoring, educational classes, job training, counseling, and family reunification support.

SWAG School

Since 2021, 3 days a week, approximately 80 students come for school and a meal. These children would otherwise not be able to attend school due to economic restraints. Our teachers, Felix and Samuel, are amazing men of God with hearts for service and discipleship.

With your prayers and financial support, we are better able to meet the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and academic needs of the hundreds of children and youth living homeless on the streets of Haiti, changing an entire country one child at a time.  

SWAG Feeding Program

4 days a week, approximately 200 children walk miles for a meal with Pastor Jonas, who also spends time witnessing to and counseling them.

SWAG Children's Program

1 day a week, approximately 100 children come from various areas of Port au Prince for a lesson from Pastor Jonas, a man who loves God, loves these children, and has a fire in his heart for making the name of and hope Jesus Christ known.

SWAG Juvenile Prison Ministry

We believe that no life is beyond the reach of God’s love. Our mission to see lives rescued, redeemed, and restored include those affected by crime and incarceration. 


Our volunteer ministry team lead by our Outreach and Evangelism Director, Rev. Jonas Bienvenue, visits local juvenile prisons in Haiti, providing hundreds of much needed Prison Packets containing a Bible, food, and hygiene items to each inmate. The juvenile prison ministry currently happens whenever there is enough funding for it. When we are able to go, 150 child inmates and 100 women also imprisoned there receive love, a meal, prison packs, and most importantly, the Gospel. The team shares testimonies of transformation, with numerous young men responding with a confessed desire to know Christ as their Saviour.

What the SWAG Boys Say


"We would really like to ask the donors to think about us for clothes, toothbrush, and toothpaste."

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